Peptide Synthesis - Peptide Service

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Synthetic peptide plays a critical role in many research and development projects across various areas of scientific disciplines. Peptide applications range from T-cell stimulation to epitope mapping, enzyme-substrate studies, and much more!

Other than DNA sequencing services, Eton Bioscience is pleased to provide you with high quality peptide synthesis services. To meet various project demands, we offer standard, customized, and peptide library services with fast turnaround time of 2-3 weeks. With this service, we deliver the orders to all customers in San Diego area with $10 handling fee for existing sequencing customers and $15 handling fee for non-sequencing customers. For non-local US customers in other areas, we will deliver the orders via UPS Next Day Air Saver. Please note that the shipping and handling fees vary based on your location.

Standard Peptide Synthesis

Standard peptide synthesis can be ordered via our online ordering system. To get a quote, please send an email with your peptide sequences, amounts and purity you need. Our ordering system is defined as follows:


We provide different quantity levels depending on your needs.

Quantity (mg)
1-5 5.1-10 10.1-15 15.1-20 20.1-25 25.1-30 30.1-40 40.1-50 50.1-60 60.1-80 80.1-100 100.1


We can provide crude peptide products or provide different purities base on your needs using our HPLC systems.

Crude Desalted 85% 90% 95% 98% 98%+

Peptide Modifications

We offer various peptide modifications tailored to your needs. Below is a table of the basic modifications we provide. If you need any other specific modification that cannot be found in the table below, please download complete modification list or contact us at 1-800-758-1630, or contact support at

N-terminal Modifications C-terminal Modifications
Acetylation Amidation
Biotin pNitroanilide*
FITC 7-Amino 4-methyl coumaride*
Dansyl Cysteamid
7-Methoxycoumarin Acetic Acid MAPS 4/8 branches
Formylation* tBu
Myristic Acid* AMC
Palmitoylation* TBzl
Non-standard Residues Special/Internal Modifications
Ornithine* Biotin (Lys in sequence)*
Norleucine* Amide cyclization
Norvaline* Cyclization (up to 3 disulfide bridge)
Homoserine* BSA/KLH/OVA/THY conjugation
Homocysteine* Phosphotyrosine*
Penicillamine* Glycosylation*
D-amino acids* DABCYL/Glu(EDANS)-NH2
* The cost for any extra amino acids used will be included in the modification price.

Certification of Analysis

Your Quality Assurance


All peptides synthesized will be purified using a new HPLC system with fraction collection capability. The purity of your peptide will be authenticated by a comprehensive HPLC data report.


To confirm the identity of the synthesized peptide, we use a state-of-the-art Mass-Mass Spectrometer system to determine the exact molecular weight of the peptide. A detail Mass Spec report will be included with the peptide products.

MS Chart One


Standard Service

Upon delivery, you will receive:

  1. Lyophilized Peptide
  2. HPLC Data Report
  3. MS Data Report

San Diego Branch

Eton Bioscience, Inc.
9215 Brown Deer Rd,
Suite B
San Diego, CA 92121

North Carolina Branch

400 Park Offices Dr,
Suite 204
Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709

Boston Branch

132 Charles Street,
Auburndale, MA 02466